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When and Where
  • 10/27/2023 1:00 PM EDT
  • 10/27/2023 2:15 PM EDT
  • Online
Event Banner

This interactive event will be a guided discussion between moderators and attendees based on chapter 7 of Dr. Amelia Parnell’s book, You Are a Data PersonYou Are a Data Person dives into enhancing your data mindsets and helps you identify as a data contributor—no matter your data background—and will provide a solid foundation for conversations with your colleagues.  

Participants will have the opportunity to— 

  • Share reflections, experiences, challenges, and resources 
  • Brainstorm and share strategies 
  • Network with colleagues at other institutions 

This event will be held in Zoom Meetings and is meant to be an interactive conversation between moderators and attendees. We highly encourage attendees to review chapter 7 of You Are a Data Person prior to the event.